The Best Choice For All Your PC & Mobile Repair Needs

Broken mobile phone screen, computer running slow? We’re here to help repair your priceless equipment. From full PC builds to virus removal trust Compu-Care to fix it.

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    Sed ut blandit mauris, mollis aliquet urna. Nulla congue porta mi, id sagittis magna. Vivamus.

    24 hour Fix

    Nulla molestie gravida elit, in scelerisque elit dignissim a. Sed pulvinar ligula dolor, nec consectetur.

    Your Device Returned

    Etiam augue ligula, pretium mollis interdum a, lacinia eget eros. Aliquam erat volutpat. Class aptent.

    Over 20 Years of Experience in Computer & Mobile Repair

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    Unrivalled Computer Repairs. Guaranteed.
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    Monthly Membership

    Monthly payments for unlimited repairs.
    £3 month
    • Unlimited repairs available on Monthly or Annual memberships.
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    • Full money back guarantee before 30 days of purchase.

    Annual Membership

    One easy payment for a whole year.
    £295 year
    • Unlimited repairs available on Monthly or Annual memberships.
      Nothing extra to pay
    • Mauris quis dui elementum, tincidunt nisl non, posuere velit.
    • Donec diam eros, bibendum sit amet ante ut, convallis cursus purus. Fusce dignissim sapien orci, a placerat augue posuere a.
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